Saturday, August 1, 2015

Make your dropdowns searchable

Make your dropdowns searchable:

I know many of you have a requirement to make drop down searchable may be in, MVC or any other web base technology.

One of my friends had client requirement to make all of his drop downs in application as searchable.

Purchasing third party controls for the single feature could be very expensive, the second things is even we had stuff to make drop down as searchable, it will not be feasible to go to each control and implement  logic in each place.

By the way I had to have something which should resolve the requirement without any above obstacle.

 So I found something exactly matches the requirement, you may wonder how much long procedure it could be, but for your information it’s very easier & the beauty is we need to just do modifications at parent page.

The solution is to include the scripts I adjusted, that’s it, as soon as you include and do refresh, all of your drop downs will become searchable and readable.
Step 1:
Copy & Paste below code in JS file and include in your Parent or Master Page.
/*custom changes done by - ilyas to facilitate easy integration */
(function ($) { var B = register("searchable"); B.defaults = { maxListSize: 100, maxMultiMatch: 50, exactMatch: false, wildcards: true, ignoreCase: true, warnMultiMatch: "top {0} matches ...", warnNoMatch: "no matches ...", latency: 200, zIndex: "auto" }; B.execute = function (g, h) { var j = null; var k = null; var l = null; if ($.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) < 7) return this; if (this.nodeName != "SELECT" || this.size > 1) return this; var m = $(this); var n = { index: -1, options: null }; var o = "lang"; var p = false; $ = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); if ($ $.browser.safari = false; if ($.meta) { g = $.extend({}, options, } var q = $("<div/>"); var r = $("<div/>"); var t = $("<input/>"); var u = $("<select/>"); var x = $("<option>" + g.warnMultiMatch.replace(/\{0\}/g, g.maxMultiMatch) + "</option>").attr("disabled", "true"); var y = $("<option>" + g.warnNoMatch + "</option>").attr("disabled", "true"); var z = { option: function (a) { return $(u.get(0).options[a]) }, selected: function () { return u.find(":selected") }, selectedIndex: function (a) { if (a > -1) u.get(0).selectedIndex = a; return u.get(0).selectedIndex }, size: function (a) { u.attr("size", Math.max(2, Math.min(a, 20))) }, reset: function () { if ((m.get(0).selectedIndex - 1) =="index")) return; var a = m.get(0).selectedIndex; var b = m.get(0).length; var c = Math.floor(g.maxMultiMatch / 2); var d = Math.max(1, (a - c)); var e = Math.min(b, Math.max(g.maxMultiMatch, (a + c))); var f = a - d; u.empty(); this.size(e - d); for (var i = d; i < e; i++) u.append($(m.get(0).options[i]).clone().attr(o, i - 1)); if (e > g.maxMultiMatch) u.append(x); u.get(0).selectedIndex = f } }; draw(); var A = false; r.mouseover(function () { A = true }); r.mouseout(function () { A = false }); u.mouseover(function () { A = true }); u.mouseout(function () { A = false }); (e) { if (!p) enable(e, true); else disable(e, true) }); t.blur(function (e) { if (!A && p) disable(e, true) }); m.keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode != 9 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) }); (e) { u.focus() }); (e) { if (z.selectedIndex() < 0) return; disable(e) }); u.focus(function (e) { t.focus() }); u.blur(function (e) { if (!A) disable(e, true) }); u.mousemove(function (e) { if ($.browser.opera && parseFloat(jQuery.browser.version) >= 9.8) return true; var a = Math.floor(parseFloat(/([0-9\.]+)px/.exec(z.option(0).css("font-size")))); var b = 4; if ($.browser.opera) b = 2.5; if ($.browser.safari || $ b = 3; a += Math.round(a / b); z.selectedIndex(Math.floor((e.pageY - u.offset().top + this.scrollTop) / a)) }); (e) { }); t.keyup(function (e) { if (jQuery.inArray(e.keyCode, new Array(9, 13, 16, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40)) > -1) return true; l = $.trim(t.val().toLowerCase()); clearSearchTimer(); j = setTimeout(searching, g.latency) }); t.keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 9) { disable(e) } if (e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey) return; switch (e.keyCode) { case 13: disable(e); m.focus(); break; case 27: disable(e, true); m.focus(); break; case 33: if (z.selectedIndex() - u.attr("size") > 0) { z.selectedIndex(z.selectedIndex() - u.attr("size")) } else { z.selectedIndex(0) } synchronize(); break; case 34: if (z.selectedIndex() + u.attr("size") < u.get(0).options.length - 1) { z.selectedIndex(z.selectedIndex() + u.attr("size")) } else { z.selectedIndex(u.get(0).options.length - 1) } synchronize(); break; case 38: if (z.selectedIndex() > 0) { z.selectedIndex(z.selectedIndex() - 1); synchronize() } break; case 40: if (z.selectedIndex() < u.get(0).options.length - 1) { z.selectedIndex(z.selectedIndex() + 1); synchronize() } break; default: return true } return false }); function draw() { m.css("text-decoration", "none"); m.width(m.outerWidth()); m.height(m.outerHeight()); q.css("position", "relative"); q.css("width", m.outerWidth()); if ($.browser.msie) q.css("z-index", h); r.css({ "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "left": 0, "width": m.outerWidth(), "height": m.outerHeight(), "background-color": "#FFFFFF", "opacity": "0.01" }); t.attr("type", "text"); t.hide(); t.height(m.outerHeight()); t.css({ "position": "absolute", "top": 0, "left": 0, "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px", "outline-style": "none", "border-style": "solid", "border-bottom-style": "none", "border-color": "transparent", "background-color": "transparent" }); var a = new Array(); a.push("border-left-width"); a.push("border-top-width"); a.push("font-size"); a.push("font-stretch"); a.push("font-variant"); a.push("font-weight"); a.push("color"); a.push("text-align"); a.push("text-indent"); a.push("text-shadow"); a.push("text-transform"); a.push("padding-left"); a.push("padding-top"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) t.css(a[i], m.css(a[i])); if ($.browser.msie && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) < 8) { t.css("padding", "0px"); t.css("padding-left", "3px"); t.css("border-left-width", "2px"); t.css("border-top-width", "3px") } else if ($ { t.height(m.innerHeight()); t.css("text-transform", "none"); t.css("padding-left", parseFloatPx(t.css("padding-left")) + 3); t.css("padding-top", 2) } else if ($.browser.safari) { t.height(m.innerHeight()); t.css("padding-top", 2); t.css("padding-left", 3); t.css("text-transform", "none") } else if ($.browser.opera) { t.height(m.innerHeight()); var b = parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-left")); t.css("padding-left", b == 1 ? b + 1 : b); t.css("padding-top", 0) } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { t.css("padding-top", "0px"); t.css("border-top", "0px"); t.css("padding-left", parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-left")) + 3) } else { t.css("padding-left", parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-left")) + 3); t.css("padding-top", parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-top")) + 1) } var c = parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-left")) + parseFloatPx(m.css("padding-right")) + parseFloatPx(m.css("border-left-width")) + parseFloatPx(m.css("border-left-width")) + 23; t.width(m.outerWidth() - c); var w = m.css("width"); var d = m.outerWidth(); m.css("width", "auto"); d = d > m.outerWidth() ? d : m.outerWidth(); m.css("width", w); u.hide(); z.size(m.get(0).length); u.css({ "position": "absolute", "top": m.outerHeight(), "left": 0, "width": d, "border": "1px solid #333", "font-weight": "normal", "padding": 0, "background-color": m.css("background-color"), "text-transform": m.css("text-transform") }); var e = /^\d+$/.test(m.css("z-index")) ? m.css("z-index") : 1; if (g.zIndex && /^\d+$/.test(g.zIndex)) e = g.zIndex; r.css("z-index", (e).toString(10)); t.css("z-index", (e + 1).toString(10)); u.css("z-index", (e + 2).toString(10)); m.wrap(q); m.after(r); m.after(t); m.after(u) }; function enable(e, s, v) { if (m.attr("disabled")) return false; m.prepend("<option />"); if (typeof v == "undefined") p = !p; z.reset(); synchronize(); store(); if (s);; t.focus();; m.get(0).selectedIndex = 0; if (typeof e != "undefined") e.stopPropagation() }; function disable(e, a) { p = false; m.find(":first").remove(); clearSearchTimer(); t.hide(); u.hide(); if (typeof a != "undefined") restore(); populate(); if (typeof e != "undefined") e.stopPropagation() }; function clearSearchTimer() { if (j != null) clearTimeout(j) }; function populate() { if (z.selectedIndex() < 0 || z.selected().get(0).disabled) return; m.get(0).selectedIndex = parseInt(u.find(":selected").attr(o)); m.change();"index", new Number(m.get(0).selectedIndex)) }; function synchronize() { if (z.selectedIndex() > -1 && !z.selected().get(0).disabled) t.val(u.find(":selected").text()); else t.val(m.find(":selected").text()) }; function store() { n.index = z.selectedIndex(); n.options = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < u.get(0).options.length; i++) n.options.push(u.get(0).options[i]) }; function restore() { u.empty(); for (var i = 0; i < n.options.length; i++) u.append(n.options[i]); z.selectedIndex(n.index); z.size(n.options.length) }; function escapeRegExp(a) { var b = ["/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "^", "$"]; var c = new RegExp("(\\" + b.join("|\\") + ")", "g"); return a.replace(c, "\\$1") }; function searching() { if (k == l) { j = null; return } var a = 0; k = l; u.hide(); u.empty(); var b = escapeRegExp(l); if (g.exactMatch) b = "^" + b; if (g.wildcards) { b = b.replace(/\\\*/g, ".*"); b = b.replace(/\\\?/g, ".") } var c = null; if (g.ignoreCase) c = "i"; l = new RegExp(b, c); for (var i = 1; i < m.get(0).length && a < g.maxMultiMatch; i++) { if (l.length == 0 || l.test(m.get(0).options[i].text)) { var d = $(m.get(0).options[i]).clone().attr(o, i - 1); if ("index") == i) d.text("text")); u.append(d); a++ } } if (a >= 1) { z.selectedIndex(0) } else if (a == 0) { u.append(y) } if (a >= g.maxMultiMatch) { u.append(x) } z.size(a);; j = null }; function parseFloatPx(a) { try { a = parseFloat(a.replace(/[\s]*px/, "")); if (!isNaN(a)) return a } catch (e) { } return 0 }; return }; function register(d) { var e = $[d] = {}; $.fn[d] = function (b) { b = $.extend(e.defaults, b); var c = this.size(); return this.each(function (a) {, b, c - a) }) }; return e } })(jQuery);
Step 2:
Copy & Paste below code in other JS file and include in your Parent or Master Page.
function modifySelect() { $("select").get(0).selectedIndex = 5 } function appendSelectOption(e) { $("select").append('<option value="' + e + '">' + e + "</option>") } function applyOptions() { $("select").searchable({ maxListSize: $("#maxListSize").val(), maxMultiMatch: $("#maxMultiMatch").val(), latency: $("#latency").val(), exactMatch: $("#exactMatch").get(0).checked, wildcards: $("#wildcards").get(0).checked, ignoreCase: $("#ignoreCase").get(0).checked }) } $(document).ready(function () { $("select").searchable() }), $(document).ready(function () { $("#value").html($("#myselect :selected").text() + " (VALUE: " + $("#myselect").val() + ")"), $("select").change(function () { $("#value").html(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text + " (VALUE: " + this.value + ")") }) });

Note: Make sure you will have latest version of jquery file from  at top.

My page code snap shot is below:

You can observe in the above screen, that I included online jQuery file (I suggest you to include it after download) & 2 other JS files where I copied the code of Step 1 and Step 2.
Your all drop downs will look like this, where you can type the letter and select the required value.

That’s it, enjoyJ, and Share your comments.

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