Angular Performance
Improvement & Reducing CPU Usage Techniques
Folks ! after going in deep to improve my angular 4 application
performance and to reduce its CPU consumption , I landed with the below points,
which is nothing but the summary in nutshell.
1) Need to remove unnecessary components/DOM
elements from the page
(Include child components/DOM elements only
when its required)
Can see in the screen I am using the
variable addExtracomponents to include the components only when its
2) Releasing memory for subscribers, events,
Use: ng2-rx-collector,
which auto release the memory after usage.
3) Functions declared in *ngIf are called on every change detection cycle, angular
checks the expression in the *ngIf for
changes by calling the declared function multiple time.
One way to avoid is by putting a class variable in your function, which override the function manipulation every time , which is of course a performance boost.
*ngIf="isTrue" //(variable approach)
*ngIf="fun()" //(function approach)
4) Using ngFor with trackBy , Since ngFor will continuously generates the DOM, the presence of trackBy would reduce the DOM manipulations, will be help to ngFor, it modifies a behaviors so that it compares new data to old based on the return value of the supplied trackBy function.
In .html (view):
In .html (view):
<li *ngFor="let emp of empList; trackBy: trackByName" >
<span>Employee Name: {{ }}</span>
In .ts(component):
// Treat the emp name as the unique identifier
for the object
trackByName(index, emp) {
5) Use the OnPush change detection strategy to tell
Angular 2 there have been no changes. This lets you skip the entire change
detection step on most of your application most of the time.
6) Clearing the declared arrays/objects in ngOnDestroy (Other than Point#2)
public displayAttachments: RFIAttachments[]; //declared variable
//declared interval
public displayAttachments: RFIAttachments[]; //declared variable
//declared interval
this.f1(); = setInterval(() => {
}, 5000);
ngOnDestroy() { //clearing all
this.displayAttachments = null;
if ( {
7) Need to analyze run time performance with my favorite
chrome tool and apply a fix where you find the cause.
Learn how to do that here:
8) If your using Angular KendoGrids which takes
too more CPU usage when dataStateChange event is used, to avoid you can use Kendo Built in
directive [kendoGridBinding] which take care of all the operations (filtering, sorting, paging)
by itself with less CPU consumption, or else you can go with separate events for each operation
<kendo-grid-column field="CompanyName" [width]="140"></kendo-grid-column>
<kendo-grid-column field="ContactName"
<kendo-grid-column field="City"
<kendo-grid-column field="ContactTitle" [width]="130"></kendo-grid-column>
9) Give deployment build with ng build --prod
It will do the bundling, pre-compilations, removes
the dead code and fast rendering with AoT (ahead of time).
Can read more info at:
Its always better idea to take care of above points
from the start of development , It may be difficult to apply all the above points to already developed application.
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