Saturday, January 18, 2014

XML Parsing C#

XML Parsing C#:
Here is the good working example for XML Parsing in C#.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;

namespace org.doublecloud
    class XmlParsingDemo
        static void Main(string[] args)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.Load(@"c:\users\ilyas\documents\books.xml"); //give path;

            XmlNodeList nodes =   doc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/catalog/book");

            List<Book> books = new List<Book>();

            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                Book book = new Book();

       = node.SelectSingleNode("author").InnerText;
                book.title = node.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText;
       = node.Attributes["id"].Value;


            System.Console.WriteLine("Total books: " + books.Count);

    class Book
        public string id;
        public string title;
        public string author;

The following is a sample XML for running the code. The content has duplications but is still good for trying out the above program.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <book id="123">
      An understanding stuff shared in the blog address shown.
  <book id="124">
    <author>Steve Jin</author>
      An in-depth introduction on something.

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