Monday, December 2, 2013

Difference Between C# and ASP.NET

Difference Between C# and ASP.NET
Friends I am sorry but I have to say,If you ask .net freshers or even many Developers too,What is the Difference between C# and ASP.NET?,I am sure many might not give you the correct answer,some would mix both and some would give improper answer.

Let us Clarify here,

C# is a CLS programming language designed for the .NET framework. 

ASP.NET is part of the .NET framework allowing you to write web applications using any CLS compliant language such as C#, VB.NET, F#, .....around 64 languages.

To understand think ASP.NET is like a cup or glass in which either you drink coffee,tea,milk..etc,which are our .net supportive languages (C#,VB,J#...)

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