Sunday, March 1, 2015

Multi Lingual resources Implementation & Usage at client side

Multi Lingual resources Implementation & Usage at client side

Declare all the resources in the .js file ==> Let's its name be LanguageResources.js
Note: I have declared resourse for Englisn(under EN), Spanish (under SP),Arabic (under AR) and Chinese (under CH)

1) Declare in as below:

var langResource = {
    EN: {
    1: "office phone",
    2: "location",
    3: "Save",
    4: "Add"
SP: {
    1: "teléfono de la oficina",
    2: "ubicación" ,
    3: "Guardar",
    4: "añadir"
AR: {
    1: "هاتف المكتب",
    2: "موقع",
    3: "حفظ",
    4: "إضافة"
CH : {
    1: "办公电话",
    2: "地点",
    3: "保存",
    4: "添加"

2) include hidden field in your html or aspx page è 
< input type="hidden" id="hdnSiteLang"/>

3) In the aspx or html page where you want the resources to be used include this file as below
 <script src="Scripts/LanguageResources.js " type="text/javascript"></script>
 Use hdnSiteLang hidden field for defining your application language, for ex: if you want to display text in Arabic assign it with AR è $("#hdnSiteLang").val("AR");

Note1: by default it will take English, if you want to change then you can assign different language value to this hidden field ex: SP(Spanish),AR(Arabic),CH(Chinese).
Note2: make sure your page also has jQuery file included from

4) Include jQuery function as below

$(document).ready(function () {
            if ($.cookies.get('siteLang') != null)
                siteLang = $.cookies.get('siteLang');
                if ($("#hdnSiteLang").val().length > 0)
                    siteLang = $("#hdnSiteLang").val()
                    siteLang = "EN";

            $(".SITELNG").each(function () {
                var cld = $(this).attr('class').split(" ");
                if (cld[0].substring(0, 2) == "H-")
if (cld[0].substring(0, 2) == "L-")                                 $(this).html(langResource[siteLang][cld[0].substring(2)].toLowerCase());
                if (cld[0].substring(0, 2) == "T-")
                    $(this).attr("title", langResource[siteLang][cld[0].substring(2)]);
                if (cld[0].substring(0, 2) == "M-") {
                    if ($("#hdnMode").val() == "true")
           $(this).attr("value", langResource[siteLang][ parseInt(cld[0].substring(2)) + 1]);
                   $(this).attr("value", langResource[siteLang][cld[0].substring(2)]);

5) Usage: you may surprise the usage is very tricky can be done by just including the class.

See below:

1)    <div id="divID" class="H-2 SITELNG"></div>

Note: When loaded this div will be written by text ‘Location’(its declared in array second position) with the default language.

2)  <img id="imgID" class="T-1 SITELNG "></img>

Note:  When loaded this image tag will have title text as ‘Office Phone’(its declared in array 1st  position) With default language.

3)    <input type="button" class="M-3 SITELNG " id="btnID"/>
This above button text will change depending upon the hidden field value hdnMode, for example I want to set its text as SAVE on existing form and ADD when the form is new.

In this case for the new form I need to set the mode (hdnMode) as ‘true’, based on this the value to this button will be set.

Note: the text to be changed must be declared one after other. (ex: 3 & 4 , Save, Add)

Hope this is helpful to you, write your comments in the box J.

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